the world hurts today

things fall apart—a test and testament to
          addressing human trafficking
in that which gives us this misery where
          street battles and gunfire
bring us no pleasure.

on the brink, the spiritual journey is
          the true cost of operating jails
and is what keeps us miserable.

the truth of suffering is found when we
          dismiss domestic violence charges
and stay with that shakiness.

it is tender our hunger,
          15 people have been killed,
restless and worried.

things are in transition, we
          search the sea for stranded migrants
to put ourselves to sleep.

with a rumbling stomach
          suspect in the killing
in the midst of chaos,

a hopeless cycle that goes on
          killed in a shooting
to stay with a broken heart.

life is a teacher and
          train derailment
is life as pain.

room for grief, for misery
          indicted on six charges,
the point is to pass the test.

our hunger for security is
          loaded with cocaine crashed
finding some lasting pleasure.

          the paper closes; the inkwell, love,
          ideogram of dust—
          is empty.


Original Sources: The online edition of The New York Times, Thursday, May 21, 2015, and When Things Fall Apart, by Pema Chödron