§3.11…the perceptible sign

{[W]hat can be said at all can be said} [here—] § 2.012…nothing is accidental:
1.2 The world divides…§ 1.21 …while everything else remains the same.

§ 2.0212 …[S]ketch a picture of the world… , § 2.013 …imagine [it] empty,
§ 2.0131 …situated in infinite space. …A speck in the visual field… .

§ 2.0121 It would seem to be a sort of accident,… {what lies on the other side} ,
2.04 …is the world.

2.1 We picture…ourselves… § 2.13 …the elements of…correspondence… {having fallen a long way short} .

2.224 It is impossible to tell § 3 A…picture of…thought…
§ 3.02…What is thinkable. [It] is…§ 3.141 …a blend of words…articulate.

3.343 Definitions are rules for translating… , § 3.33 …but the letter by itself signifies nothing.

{[D]raw a limit to thought} § 4.063 …[I]magine a black spot on white paper § 4.112 …Philosophy is not a…doctrine but an activity.

1. The world is… § 4.023…a world with the help of…scaffolding.
{[W]e must pass…in silence} § 4.1251 …the answer to the vexed question.

* § 5.01 Tautology (If p then p, and if q then q.) (p z p . q z q) (FTTT) (p, q) In words: Not both p and q. (P(p . q)) (TFTT) (p, q) ” : If q then p. (q z p) (TTFT) (p, q) ” : If p then q. (p z q) (TTTF) (p, q) ” : p or q. (p C q) (FFTT) (p, q) ” : Not g. (Pq) (FTFT) (p, q) ” : Not p. (Pp) (FTTF) (p, q) ” : p or q, but not both. (p . Pq : C : q . Pp) (TFFT) (p, q) ” : If p then p, and if q then p. (p + q) (TFTF) (p, q) ” : p (TTFF) (p, q) ” : q (FFFT) (p, q) ” : Neither p nor q. (Pp . Pq or p | q) (FFTF) (p, q) ” : p and not q. (p . Pq) (FTFF) (p, q) ” : q and not p. (q . Pp) (TFFF) (p,q) ” : q and p. (q . p) (FFFF) (p, q) Contradiction (p and not p, and q and not q.) (p . Pp . q . Pq)…


Source from: Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. 10th ed. Project Gutenburg, 2004.